1532.3 grams. 13x10x6.5 cm. Mesosiderite
Fall not observed. Found 1986.
Location Map of Antarctic Finds
AMN writes:
Macroscopic Description - Roberta Score
QUE86900 has an overall color of red-brown. Dull black fusion crust appears as isolated blebs and covers about 10% of the meteorite. Large green platy pyroxene crystals are abundant, the largest is 1.5 cm in the longest dimension. Shallow regmaglypts are present on most exterior surfaces. One exterior fracture surface has blebs of fusion crust on it. Cleaving the specimen, which was easily accomplished, revealed an interior that has numerous platy inclusions and dark rounded inclusions in a highly weathered, pliable red-brown metal-rich matrix.
Thin Section Description (,5) - Brian Mason
The section shows plagioclase and pyroxene clasts, up to 1.5 mm across, in an opaque matrix of nickel-iron and troilite (the nickel-iron extensively weathered to limonite). Most of the pyroxene is hypersthene, but some pigeonite is present; composition ranges are Wo1-11, En31-78, Fs21-64, with a mean of Wo3Fs33. Most plagioclase compositions are in the range An90-96, but a few more sodic grains were analysed. The meteorite is a mesosiderite.